How to revamp your WordPress website

Web presence is dynamic. Having the same layout and design means losing out on business and potential customers. Just like a new dress and makeover gives a completely new feel, aura and personality, similarly a website makeover gives a totally fresh face to your business. Achievable at zero downtime!

Your website must portray your brand, values, business mission, goals, and road-map. Website navigation must be easy. Website color and theme must be relevant and trendy.

If you think that it’s time for your website to undergo a transformation, here are 5 ways to revamp:

  1. Design Elements: Various design elements can be altered:
  • Keep typography updated and relevant. Use latest font style and size.
  • Use colors wisely. Every color represents a particular emotion to the visitor. Research the latest trends prevalent today. Material Design and Metro UI provide good color scheme suggestions.
  • Use relevant shapes wherever possible. Every shape has a different interpretation. Round shapes may represent warmth and friendliness and straight lines may exhibit strength and tenacity.
  • Adjust the content to ensure readability and subject. Avoid clutter, ensure grammatical accuracy, proper spacing and indenting. Moving widgets to the footer is trendy nowadays.
  • You may also add sliders to your website, depending upon the nature of your business. Photos and videos can be added to sliders. Slider WD is an advanced slider plugin.
  • Update your FAQs page and Contact Us page regularly. Remove obsolete or redundant information and include relevant and latest information. Giving multiple contact options is always useful. The design of the Contact Us form should blend well with the design of the website. An example of a form builder plugin that offers customizable and responsive forms is Form Maker.
  • UI kits help revamp your site functionally and aesthetically. They can boost your site’s performance and demeanor. They are not time-consuming. They are easily available online.

2. Call to action (CTA): The CTA on your website must be relevant to your business goals. As your business priorities change, so should your CTA buttons. You should clearly figure out whether you want to build a database, conduct surveys, promote new products and services, market brands, or anything else. CTA buttons must be customized to generate the kind of information you wish to collate.

Make CTA buttons prominent and attractive. Many CTA buttons are freely downloadable online.

Social Media presence is mandatory nowadays. Ensure the complete coverage of social media buttons – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. This adds credibility. Highlight the buttons that let people follow you. Social sharing buttons are a good idea. You generate more interests that way. For this, it is imperative to update your social media pages. Post relevant stuff online regularly. Link to your WordPress website. This will improve your website’s internet traffic.

Using relevant CTA buttons also showcases the brand value of the company. In today’s globalized world, a location tracker such as Google Maps WD plugin can be very useful for site visitors.

If you are conducting an event or workshop, adding a calendar to your site is engaging and helpful. Event Calendar WD plugin is useful.

3. Update your theme and content: The layout of your website is the window to your brand. The Theme of the website is the layout design of how and where various items are placed. Many types of themes are available online. Choose the one that is most relevant to your business and brand. Keep changing it frequently to give your website a fresher and personalized feel.

Content creation is an art. If utilized well, it can work wonders. Ensure that your content is rich, powerful, relevant, and updated. It should be constructive, engaging, educative, and useful. Adapt to the latest content creation trends. Highly informative and lengthy papers and guides are good but not handy for all. Using short paragraphs, with catchy headlines, relevant pictures and animations will liven up your content.

Experiment with content formats. Many types of content formats are available online. Research and use the one that is most appealing and relevant. Trendy visual content is a blessing. Use info-graphics, videos, animations, memes, photography, e-books, and relevant links to spruce up your text content.

4. Use pictures optimally: People react more to images than to plain text. This is evident by the rise of social media such as Instagram and Pinterest. Photos are good storytellers. They connect better with the audience, communicate your brand value more authentically. Using pictures enhances the visual appeal of the website. It makes the content more eye-catchy and attractive.

Use relevant and latest pictures. Avoid too many images as it gives a cluttered look. The pictures must be well-placed and spaced-out between content. Use good quality and high definition images. Loads of good pictures are available online – free / paid. A simple plugin such as Photo Gallery can be used to add photos and galleries to your website. Galleries must be user-friendly, engaging, and responsive.

Use the power of Photoshop to enhance the visual appeal of photos. Special effects on images give it the desired dramatic look. It is also different and customized. Photoshop actions are freely available and downloadable online.

5. Use icons: Icons are small but very useful. They are a shortcut to long instructions, which may otherwise be skipped. The proper use and placement of icons is very significant. Use fresh, updated, unique, and attractive icons to enhance the visual appeal of your website. The choice of icons must align with the complete layout of your website. Research them well.

Use your company or brand logo(s) appropriately. It is a very important tool to communicate your brand’s popularity and credibility through a symbol rather than lengthy words.

The navigation links should be relevant and functional. A link leading to an error page will irritate customers and drive them away.


Keeping your website updated and trendy is very important for your business and brand. Why lose out on opportunities when you can cash in on them? Use tools wisely to customize powerful content. Note down these simple checkpoints to give your website a fresh, dynamic, and powerful personality.

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