Why you need Content Marketing

Got wonderful ideas, a stellar team and an exciting business plan? But not sure how to increase profitability, break even and build a huge customer base? Understand the 2 basic foundation stones to a successful business – CONTENT and MARKETING. How do you ensure that your marketing strategy is effective and accomplishes your goals? One way is to keep it updated. Leverage the power of social media in this time of digital marketing. In order to be successful, be relevant, efficient and effective. That translates to apt content marketing.

Content Marketing is the marketing strategy that encompasses creation, publication and distribution of content to the target audience to attract more customers to your business.

This is done online through social media, blogs, websites, promotional material and information related to your industry.

For example, if you own a restaurant and you are looking to increase your customers. Then you can publish blogs about eating habits, importance of social dining, different cuisines, celebrations on special occasions and festivals with a family dinner / lunch etc. These posts start to rank higher in search engines with time and people start visiting your website more. This makes your brand more popular and accelerates sales and revenue. While you can also do these on your own, it is always better to partner with and hire expert creative content writers to develop high quality, rich, fresh, useful and informative content that will voice your brand.

Top 10 Reasons to focus on Content Marketing for your business:

1. Build trust with site visitors: As explained above, the restaurant owner will garner support, respect, trust and credibility with displayed knowledge in the field. In-your-face marketing is passé. This is the age of value selling.

2. Build Brand Awareness: Today, if search engines don’t know about your brand, no one does. To change that, utilize content marketing to increase traffic to your website and social media pages so that you can get more interested consumers in your brand. You can generate more awareness and leads for your business. You can showcase what your brand can do to make people’s lives easier and better. Brand building through advertising and PR can be a big dip in your pocket. Partner with experienced content writers to build innovative, creative and relevant content for your business.

3. Great for SEO and digital marketing activities: People browse online before making a purchase. We consume a lot of content nowadays and our buying patterns are influenced by it. When you publish useful and informative expert content that helps others, search engines recognize that and provides it to people. That is how you rise up in web rankings and search results. Content also fuels your other digital marketing initiatives and activities by being the face of your brand.

4. Generates leads and prospects for your business: We constantly need an inflow of new leads and prospects interested in our business. Content Marketing enables strangers to find you through your expert content. When they are already interested in your offerings, it is easier to move up the sales process. You also gain an edge over your competitors this way.

5. Attracts ideal buyers: The beauty of content marketing is that with the relevant and apt content, you will attract only relevant and genuine buyers. Unqualified leads and the time and effort taken to classify leads to useful or not is a huge waste of time. Only the people captivated by your content will show interest in your products and services.

6. More conversions from interests to customers: There are 3 major stages which consumers go through before making a purchase – awareness, consideration and decision. Your content is the fuel that guides and motivates prospects to reach the decision of the final purchase. You need good quality, relevant and customized content to feed the consumers’ curiosity and help solve their problems.

7. Brand popularity on social media: Good content is more shareable. Your expert content should solve people’s problems in a unique way. If people like what they read and listen, they are bound to share it on social media. That is how your content goes viral and you reach a larger audience. Social media and search engines work hand-in-hand to make your content accessible to a wider audience. Aim to create useful content that people want to read and benefit from.

8. Encourages repeated website visits: With useful content, you build relationships with your prospects. This is the major reason why people will keep coming back to your site to browse your brand and offerings further. More site visits will increase your search engine rankings and make you a popular search result. Your content must aim at customer service. That will increase customer engagement. It strengthens your bond with customers.

9. Builds Brand Authority: Your content demonstrates your knowledge, experience and ability to deliver better than others. Your target audience will get the solutions to their problems and answers to their questions from you. With every new blog post or new and updated content, you can reinforce your position as the industry expert. It makes your brand more credible, reliable and authoritative in the market. It builds confidence in your existing and potential customers about you.

10. Build backlinks: If your content provides value to readers, other associated websites will want to quote you and link your content. This will increase your web traffic by accelerating your web rankings and search engine results. It also increases your page authority.

The list is endless. The topmost reason to invest time, money and energy in content marketing is ‘because it works and helps you sell’. You have already invested a lot of time, money and energy is conceptualizing and setting up your dream business. Solidify that by harnessing the power of content marketing.

Content Marketing is the future. It is the deciding factor between the success or failure of a business. So, be at the top of your Content Marketing game. Get fabulous content developed by professionals that demonstrate what your brand can do for consumers.

Hope this helps. You are most welcome to follow, share and comment. Please feel free to add more points in the comments section, if you wish.

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