5 Reasons why your furnace needs periodic maintenance

Furnace is the biggest component of your home heating appliance. Most homeowners are aware that they need routine furnace maintenance, but many do not take it seriously. If you have been postponing the tune-up of your furnace, now is the time to realize why it’s important. Regular maintenance affects everything from energy costs to lifespan … Continue reading 5 Reasons why your furnace needs periodic maintenance

16 powerful Facebook marketing tips for small businesses

Worried about how to promote your company, that too with a small budget? Leverage the power of social media. Facebook is the biggest social marketing platform. According to TechCrunch, it has 2.4 billion monthly active users. 93% of marketers use Facebook regularly. 3 million businesses use Facebook for marketing. A clear focused Facebook business strategy … Continue reading 16 powerful Facebook marketing tips for small businesses

6 simple yet effective types of bots that can serve your clients well

Have you ever had a nagging suspicion, during a customer support live service chat that the person on the other end might not be a human being, but an automated robot? These are Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots or software programs that are designed to provide automated enhanced customer services. Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular, due … Continue reading 6 simple yet effective types of bots that can serve your clients well

Documentary TV Shows of all times

If you had to watch a documentary in school, it was rather painful, right? Not so now. Documentaries have revolutionised from those boring endless movies into shorter, crisper and interesting sessions on varied topics. Documentary TV shows make learning easy and entertaining. If you want to learn about something from scratch, watching a documentary is … Continue reading Documentary TV Shows of all times

Power of professional networking

People are the backbone of any business. So, professional relationship networking is a must today. It means having contacts or relations with people from the industry or field. According to LinkedIn global surveys, around 80% professionals recognize the need for networking. 70% were hired because of a connection. 35% have landed new opportunities because of … Continue reading Power of professional networking

How to revamp your WordPress website

Web presence is dynamic. Having the same layout and design means losing out on business and potential customers. Just like a new dress and makeover gives a completely new feel, aura and personality, similarly a website makeover gives a totally fresh face to your business. Achievable at zero downtime! Your website must portray your brand, … Continue reading How to revamp your WordPress website

Significance of writing a Resume

A Resume is a bridge between you and your potential employer. It is the first impression that you make. So, it must be pitch-perfect. It is a marketing tool that you can utilize to showcase your skills, accomplishments, and experience to demonstrate your suitability to the job. It is also an instrument that employers use … Continue reading Significance of writing a Resume

Soft skills required in your business career

You may have a rich CV boasting of a long list of hard/technical skills. But organizations nowadays are searching for professionals with soft skills. They cannot be taught in a classroom and are more important for your career than you think. What are soft skills Soft skills are personal attributes that influence how well you … Continue reading Soft skills required in your business career

Student and faculty engagement when schools reopen

As the world is emerging from a global crisis – COVID-19 pandemic, the future awaits. It is not going to be the same anymore. Currently, around 1.3–1.5 billion students and youth are affected worldwide by school and university closures. Other country-specific localized closures have impacted millions of additional learners. Governments are trying to mitigate this … Continue reading Student and faculty engagement when schools reopen

Why Content Strategy is important for your brand

New age marketing is about social media and digital marketing. For that, you need powerful content to be the voice of your brand. Content is the king of the online environment. People are consuming online content at breath-taking speed. With this, their attention span is also decreasing. So, you need well-planned and thoughtfully placed content … Continue reading Why Content Strategy is important for your brand