Why you need Content Marketing

Got wonderful ideas, a stellar team and an exciting business plan? But not sure how to increase profitability, break even and build a huge customer base? Understand the 2 basic foundation stones to a successful business – CONTENT and MARKETING. How do you ensure that your marketing strategy is effective and accomplishes your goals? One … Continue reading Why you need Content Marketing

Powerful SEO Tools

In this age of digital marketing, social media plays a pivotal role. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of getting internet traffic to your website and social media pages by making them more attractive to search engines. Today, if Google doesn’t recognize your website, no one does. So, Google has its mechanism to rank … Continue reading Powerful SEO Tools

Why your business needs Content Creation

Content…content….content… We read it, browse it, watch it, listen to it, click on it and share it… We rely on reviews before watching a movie or web series. We explore online before shopping for anything. We trust testimonials before trying out a new restaurant. We devour content day in and out. Content is a very … Continue reading Why your business needs Content Creation

Student and faculty engagement when schools reopen

As the world is emerging from a global crisis – COVID-19 pandemic, the future awaits. It is not going to be the same anymore. Currently, around 1.3–1.5 billion students and youth are affected worldwide by school and university closures. Other country-specific localized closures have impacted millions of additional learners. Governments are trying to mitigate this … Continue reading Student and faculty engagement when schools reopen