Value based selling

Sell… sales pitches…discounts…freebies…great offers… This may be easy and appear natural, but is very common. Beware of the trap. To get an edge over your competitors, think differently. Be different. Think out of the box. Invest time and energy in preparing a wonderful plan. Aim at providing value to your customer. Other things will fall … Continue reading Value based selling

Why you need Content Marketing

Got wonderful ideas, a stellar team and an exciting business plan? But not sure how to increase profitability, break even and build a huge customer base? Understand the 2 basic foundation stones to a successful business – CONTENT and MARKETING. How do you ensure that your marketing strategy is effective and accomplishes your goals? One … Continue reading Why you need Content Marketing

Soft skills required in your business career

You may have a rich CV boasting of a long list of hard/technical skills. But organizations nowadays are searching for professionals with soft skills. They cannot be taught in a classroom and are more important for your career than you think. What are soft skills Soft skills are personal attributes that influence how well you … Continue reading Soft skills required in your business career