Power of Social Selling

The key to doing any kind of business is – PEOPLE. People work, communicate and socialize with people they like. With the traditional marketing tactics becoming redundant and customers being resilient to in-your-face marketing, it is time to up the game. With call blocking and filters available, prospects are better armed to block sales communicators … Continue reading Power of Social Selling

Consultative Selling

Whatever business you do or industry you are in, you must be selling something – a product or service. What is your sales strategy? Does that include building a rapport or relationship with the prospect? Paying attention to their specific requirements? Listening to their concerns and pain points? Offering a customized and suitable solution to … Continue reading Consultative Selling

Benefits of conceptual selling

Selling a product or service is an engaging process. It is easier to demonstrate the features and functionality. It may also be easier to point out the shortcomings of the competitors’ offerings. But in this cut-throat competitive environment, value and concept selling is the flavour of the season. Especially when you sell professional services. Since … Continue reading Benefits of conceptual selling

Content Marketing Strategy for you

Content marketing gives amazing opportunities for businesses to increase brand value and revenue. By delivering relevant and useful content to your audience, you can create brand awareness, increase your online reputation and build your followers, prospects and loyal customers. In this dynamic and competitive marketplace, success or failure is a matter of risk, without a … Continue reading Content Marketing Strategy for you

Why your business needs Content Creation

Content…content….content… We read it, browse it, watch it, listen to it, click on it and share it… We rely on reviews before watching a movie or web series. We explore online before shopping for anything. We trust testimonials before trying out a new restaurant. We devour content day in and out. Content is a very … Continue reading Why your business needs Content Creation

16 powerful Facebook marketing tips for small businesses

Worried about how to promote your company, that too with a small budget? Leverage the power of social media. Facebook is the biggest social marketing platform. According to TechCrunch, it has 2.4 billion monthly active users. 93% of marketers use Facebook regularly. 3 million businesses use Facebook for marketing. A clear focused Facebook business strategy … Continue reading 16 powerful Facebook marketing tips for small businesses

Power of professional networking

People are the backbone of any business. So, professional relationship networking is a must today. It means having contacts or relations with people from the industry or field. According to LinkedIn global surveys, around 80% professionals recognize the need for networking. 70% were hired because of a connection. 35% have landed new opportunities because of … Continue reading Power of professional networking