Power of Social Selling

The key to doing any kind of business is – PEOPLE. People work, communicate and socialize with people they like. With the traditional marketing tactics becoming redundant and customers being resilient to in-your-face marketing, it is time to up the game. With call blocking and filters available, prospects are better armed to block sales communicators … Continue reading Power of Social Selling

Consultative Selling

Whatever business you do or industry you are in, you must be selling something – a product or service. What is your sales strategy? Does that include building a rapport or relationship with the prospect? Paying attention to their specific requirements? Listening to their concerns and pain points? Offering a customized and suitable solution to … Continue reading Consultative Selling

Benefits of conceptual selling

Selling a product or service is an engaging process. It is easier to demonstrate the features and functionality. It may also be easier to point out the shortcomings of the competitors’ offerings. But in this cut-throat competitive environment, value and concept selling is the flavour of the season. Especially when you sell professional services. Since … Continue reading Benefits of conceptual selling

5 Reasons why your furnace needs periodic maintenance

Furnace is the biggest component of your home heating appliance. Most homeowners are aware that they need routine furnace maintenance, but many do not take it seriously. If you have been postponing the tune-up of your furnace, now is the time to realize why it’s important. Regular maintenance affects everything from energy costs to lifespan … Continue reading 5 Reasons why your furnace needs periodic maintenance

Why Content Strategy is important for your brand

New age marketing is about social media and digital marketing. For that, you need powerful content to be the voice of your brand. Content is the king of the online environment. People are consuming online content at breath-taking speed. With this, their attention span is also decreasing. So, you need well-planned and thoughtfully placed content … Continue reading Why Content Strategy is important for your brand